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After a heroic job of successfully landing his storm-damaged aircraft in a war zone, a fearless pilot finds himself between the agendas of multiple militias planning to take the plane and its passengers hostage. Watch PLANE Full Movie online imetafsiriwa kwa Kiswahili for Free – CineBeta Swahili ( www.CineBeta.com / www.CineBeta.com/swahili/ )na zingine nyine kutoka: Netflix, Amazon, Lionsgate, Prime Video, Hulu, Peacock TV, Starz, Sony, Colombia Pictures, NBC, ABS-CBN,Just Watch Tubi tv, Vudu, IMDb, Rottentomato, BBC, Wikipedia Wiki, WETV, IQIYI, na kadhalika…Movies and TV Series zimetafsiriwa kwa Kiswahili na DJ Murphy, DJ MACK, DJ AFRO MOVIES na wengine wengiii