Set in the fictional dystopian city-state of Khansaar, the film follows the friendship between Deva, a tribesman, and Varadha, the prince of Khansaar. When a coup d’état is planned by his father’s ministers and his relatives, Varadha enlists Deva’s help to become Khansaar’s undisputed ruler. Laba SALAAR part 1 – Ceasefire omuvvuunuulibwa mu Luganda ku CineBeta Uganda nga tewali kusasula ne zitundu ezisinga, TV Series, Anime eziwandiikiddwa mu Luganda wabula VJ Junior, VJ LITTLE T, VJ ICE, VJ HD, VJ Emmy, VJ Muba, VJ Free, VJ da Professor, n’abalala.Best Movies, TV Series, Anime from: Netflix, Prime Video, Hulu, Peacock TV, Starz, Lionsgate, Amazon, Cinemas, WeTV, IQUTV, Telemundo, Best Series and Movies Translated in Luganda, Always Free